Voiceless Flute

Hudba: Eyrah, Ertha 2006
Text: Eyrah 2005
To jsme tak jednou chtěli napsat nějakou normální baladu.
Vydáno na EP v roce 2011.


Every time I cry,
I cry for my sins,
You sing this bitter song
With me…
My aid, my sorrow,
Give me your wisdom,
Your tunes are blessed by stellar sky.

Coming from dead calm,
I hear that sound growing
Distress reigns here, in my heart.
Beloved music
Killing me softly
And no flowers on my grave…

Thundering horns in my head
Screaming violins of my mind
I’ve heard so much in my life
But in the end, I’m just one…
…Voiceless Flute.

These tears of mine
Frozen on my lips
I’m only whispering the words of grace.
Sing me the song
Song of the beauty
That I have heard on this world…

[Verze 2011:

Through this concert
Endless fame of love
My thin voice will never more pass…
Lost instruments
Broken chords of mine
These musicians will play no more]


My music, my wishes,
Everything I’ve lost
Could be balanced by one breath.

Dark drums in the depths of my heart
Sweetest harps of my love
That once has shown me the way
But in the end I become…
…a Voiceless Flute.

I’ll keep it deep in my soul,
I’ll save it for the days to come,
My voice of flute…
