
Hudba: Greg Johnson, Ertha 2010
Text: Eyrah 2012
Gregův první příspěvek do ertího playlistu; veselá písnička o tom, jak si jedna královna vyřizovala účty s horským trollem.
Vydáno jako singl v prosinci 2020.


Now listen to me, my friends,
Warriors and knights from the distant lands!
The twilight is drawing near,
We have to set forth now!
With grief our road may be paved
It is though your queen’s word
That the reward goes to the one
Who pierces the troll with his sword.

Come, oh, come to me if you dare,
I will give you fame, gold and pain, I will not spare!

The stars are guiding our steps
The bloodlust seeks its way out of our souls
Forth, my dears, we will hunt him
Until the first light comes!
Be brave, show him no mercy,
Believe me, I know his heart,
If you are not the one to strike,
You are the one to die!

Come, oh, come to me if you dare,
I will give you fame, gold and pain, I will not spare!

Marching on and on through the sacred land we used to share
Now the war cry sounds, your blood the ground must bear,
Beat the beast, fight your foe before it’s too late…

So be it!
Your queen´s trollblood will once more soak into mine
And we will lie together as long ago we did on our bridal bed,
When the days were young and this story hasn´t yet been told.
The love might be strong, but our fate is to live the tale.

Marching on and on through the sacred land we used to share,
Now the war cry sounds, your blood the ground must bear,
Marching on and on through the sacred land we used to share,
I feel you falling apart, a story to be born…
From the world of neverseen, of fantasies and dreams…
